Viena – 28-30 de Junio de 2016
ECTRIMS has initiated an annual programme of FOCUSED WORKSHOPS and SUMMER SCHOOLS to organize and support timely international scientific/clinical meetings on topics of interest and importance in MS. Programmes are limited in numbers of participants and held in European locations designed to facilitate discussion and interaction. It isanticipated that outcomes from each such programme will be published in an internationally recognized journal with wide dissemination.
“Use of MR imaging in diagnosis and management of multiple sclerosis”
28-30 June 2016, Vienna/Austria
The ECTRIMS Summer School 2016 is directed to young MS clinicians and investigators with an interest in the diagnosis and management of multiple sclerosis (MS). The immediate objective is to equip them with the knowledge and expertise they need to (i) accurately diagnose MS, (ii) evaluate the effectiveness of drugs in MS, (iii) understand the value of non-conventional and quantitative MR for assessing the structural, metabolic and functional damage, and (iv) become familiar with the different techniques used for imaging analysis.
Please click here for the current programme.
Applications can be handed in via the following link until 18 December 2015.
Required documents for the application are:
- CV of applicant (max. of 2 pages)
- Motivation of applicant (max. of 250 words)
- Recommendation letter by supervisor (max of 1 page)
Results about acceptance will be sent out at the end of January 2016.
Plazo límite de solicitudes hasta el 18 December 2015.
Programa: [Desgargar pdf]